Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Too much stress....???

When I think of all of my friends and family....and all that they go through on a daily basis. I don't really put myself at their stress level. As a matter of fact I think of myself as a person with literally NO stress in their life. I'm pretty laid back. I don't have a job. I can't even think of anything besides cob webs that are on my list of anxiety builders.

I went to the doctor today because I've been having weird head aches. Not really the regular kind. They kind of feel like my bones are hurting. Not really a toothache but something that radiates through the whole skull. I have no signs of sniffles, cough, fever or anything flu related. After poking and prodding she said that she thinks it might be a form of TMJ. She says my muscles in my jaw and cheeks are too tight. I need to watch the stress levels in my life....and she put me on some muscle relaxers for the next few months.

Now all of you moms out there...who are chasing around your children, running errands, holding many callings in church and doing community service....remember that I am way stressed out. I guess more than you guys (RIGHT!) If only they gave muscle relaxers to everyone. We would all be happy :D

1 comment:

Arin said...

Funny you should mention this...and I don't even know if you will see my comment, but I suffer from severe TMJ. It first hit me about 10 years ago when I was finishing up my last finals in college and my thesis paper...and getting married 2 weeks later.

Back then it was only severe jaw pain. I saw an oral surgeon and they fit me with a jaw splint that I had to wear 24/7 for I think a month. Then at night for 3 months. Took care of the jaw pain and I was good to go.

Over the years my jaw has acted up every now and then and all it has taken was wearing my splint a little and it was resolved.

Well, over this last year I've put myself under a lot of stress...and I started to have weird "headaches" too. Not really a headache...but like a head pain and almost like a muscle spasm in my head. It finally dawned on me that this was related to the tension I carry in my neck and jaw. It was the first time I had TMJ symptoms that weren't primarily in my jaw.

It's a crazy thing...but I bet that's where your head pains are coming from. Funny how we can be stressed and it's taking a physical toll on us and we don't even know it!

Hope the muscle relaxers help! Oh and you're supposed to make sure to keep your tongue in the roof of your mouth to avoid unneccssary stress on your jaw!