Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How littles view adoption....

My littlest sister is adopted. She is actually my niece....but was adopted by my dad and step-mother. (We call her my Niester) She is 7 years old.

They came by to visit today. (They live in Roseburg) We try and visit with them at least once a month.

We found out today that she has reacted to Britanie being gone differently than the other family members. She knows she is adopted. She knows Britanie was being adopted. Now that Britanie is gone...she is worried that she could be sent away too. She is actually concerned about her behavior because of it. She is trying to be the perfect child so she will always be loved and wanted.

I never realized the impact that adoption might have on little people. My little sister is a smart little thing. I know that by talking to her about it has or will make her feel better. I'm very sad that she ever had to be affected by the loss of Britanie.

1 comment:

Prestwich Family said...

Oh, that breaks my heart that she feels that way. I'm sure you are the best big sister and can help explain things to her! Merry Christmas!