Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Family Laughs

We played a game this weekend called 'The Last Word'. I have heard something like it with license plates. Basically you have a large group of people. You are given a subject and a letter of the alphabet. There is a random timer involved too. You hit the timer and start yelling all the words that start with that letter in that subject. The last person to say the word before the buzzer sounds is the winner of that round. I tell you.....with a large group of people....we were laughing so hard we could not get any words in. I mean seriously.....if you have a subject card with "Something found in China" and it starts with a 'S'.......who says spoons? We challenged it because it was fun....and the only thing that could be said was......most of them are made in China. I went home with the most horrible headache.....I swear I ruptured some blood vessels in my head from laughing so hard. But, it was so worth it.

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