Monday, November 2, 2009

Unknown Halloween Rules

Did you know that Halloween is for kids up to the age of 12? Did you know that Trick-or-Treating is only to be done between dusk and 8 ish? (One of my friends had kids show up at 10:30pm) Why don't they publish these rules? Why have I never heard of them?

We were pretty bummed that we hadn't seen anyone show up at our house until after 6pm. I had no idea there were time frames. We stayed home all day just in case. I wish I had known better. We always give out full size candy bars...we have been training kids in our neighborhood for 8 years now. We get more and more kids every year. It is a lot of fun. Some kids come way out of their way to come to our house. It always feels good to know that.


Chelsea Rivas said...

What a gracious (or stupid) friend you must have, to answer her door at 10:30 at night. Or maybe she was just desperate to get rid of the extra 20 lbs of candy she had left over from the trunk-or-treat. Now I'm just guessing here, but I bet she rewarded that kid handsomely for his late-night zeal.

Mooners said...

I am coming to your house next year but i am the one doing the trick or treating not my kids and i would like to request butterfinger! cause my kids didn't get a dang ONE!!!