Thursday, November 12, 2009

I think I mention Hilary Weeks a lot....

I was trying to figure out how to do links and e-mails this evening and my head is just a little too fuzzy to figure it out. So what do I do? I ask my husband for help.


Me: "I'm having a bit of trouble figuring this out..."

Dan: "Can I help?"

Me: "I'm not sure. Do you have a few minutes?"

Dan: "Sure, what is it?"

Me: (I started saying, but was interupted) "Hilary.........

Dan: (LOUD laughter) "I thought you really needed help with something...and it is about Hilary?"

This may not sound funny to most of you. But, it kind of struck me as strange that my husband would know what I was thinking just by saying her first name. Maybe I'm a little to obsessed. OK...too harsh of a word. But, I'm seeing a few red flags here.

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