Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Yes, Yes, Yes.....I'm still here :D

Now that I'm human again.....I do not find any time to sit at the computer. But, I do have a list of all the things I want to blog about. I just have to bring myself to sit down. I've had an amazing summer and cannot wait to share it.

Also to come...........I'm going to run a 5K. Anyone pass out with that last sentence? I know I did when I thought of it. I have never run before. But, I thought it would be a great start. My brothers and their significant others are going to run with me. I would love to have support from more people. It would give me more motivation :D Let me know.....


Jen said...

Good for you! I love doing 5k's. Let me know when and I'll do it with you too.

Sharlee said...

YEAH!!! What 5k are you going to run? If you check out my blog in the last post I listed a few of my favorite phone apps that I use when running! GOOD LUCK!! If you want a walking or running partner let me know!