Thursday, June 10, 2010

Era gone

Sadly....I remember when video stores were first out. No one had a VCR (unless you were rich) and you had to rent one from the video store. A big bulky thing. But, we loved movie nights:D

We have been collecting movies for a long time....and sadly, Hollywood Video was a frequent haunt. We would get $6 movies...and they were guaranteed for LIFE!!! They are no longer :( I'm pretty sure that guarantee is no longer available.

Now where will we buy cheep videos? And I don't mean to rent them....I mean buy! I guess I will have to think of something else to collect.


Mooners said...

LIKE BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Jen said...

I get all my used videos online from places like, amazon and ebay. No guarantees, but I've never had a problem.