Thursday, March 25, 2010

Book Ratings

I'm pretty strict about movie ratings. I don't need a bunch of crap in my head. But, I have realized that books do not have any disclaimers. Not that I am trying to start a movement....but, if you were watching a movie and there is something you don't want to turn it off right? You haven't wasted that much time of your life.

When reading a takes a lot more of your time. I've been reading a lot of books lately. And it is sad to me that I will be half way through a book before I realize it is not the 'rating' that I would prefer. Three out of the last five books that I have read....I have actually thrown aside. Frustrated at how much time I put into a book that I won't finish.

I've even tried to go with older books...classics....from the 1800s. No such luck. Amazing how crude some can be. How can you find a nice wholesome book with a great story? One that will pull you in and engulf you? Join a bookclub. Done that. But there has to be something more.....


The Greg Nelson Family said...

Have you heard of You can mark all the books you have read and be friends with other people to see their books. It is a pretty good way to find some good books.

Jen said...

Something more than book club? Bite your tongue, girl. :) I feel the same way. At least with music there is "parental advisory"...still kind of a joke, but better than nothing.

Daniel and Leslie said...

Thanks Kandice...I'll check that out :D

Sorry Jen, I did not mean to throw a shadow on bookclub. On the contrary. I have never thrown a book aside from bookclub :D