Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Unconditional love?

You know how people tell you that dogs are the kind of animals that give you unconditional love? No matter what you do...they think you are the most amazing thing to ever happen to them. They love you despite yourself. I have a dog that defies that rule. Gauper. He has had a rough week with surgery, possible cancer and horrible tasting pain meds. This little guy holds a grudge. He will look at everything he eats....taste tests it....and then chews it up into tiny, tiny little pieces before he swallows. If you are the one who gave him the medicine....he will not eat his breakfast or dinner if you are the one feeding him. He sits and pouts all day long just staring at you giving you the 'pup eyes'. Sometimes he won't even look you in the face. I remember a few times when he was younger he would do something wrong....like digging a hole in the yard. We would reprimand him and he would pout for hours until you apologized to him. Then he would be back to his normal self. It just makes me feel extra guilty. And I suppose he knows that too :D

1 comment:

Amy said...

Aw, poor doggy. I hope he feels better soon...and gives up his grudge.