Friday, April 11, 2008


Ok, so I know I just started this, but I keep thinking of things to write down. If anyone knows anything about dreams, I would love to hear what they think of this.

I was at a vet. (I have dogs.....I dream as if I'm a dog too I guess) And the doctor was telling me that I was sick and he didn't know how long I had to live. So while he was putting another dog down, I jumped in and said that I wanted the shot too. I didn't want to suffer this illness that I had. As soon as the Vet gave me the shot, I had this horrible feeling of needing to be with my husband. I knew at that moment that if I died right there that I may be missing a good 50 years of life with him. I felt that whatever the illness was, it might not be so bad to suffer through, as long as I had him. What would he do without me. So at that point, I was doing whatever I could to stay awake. I knew that if I fell asleep I was a gonner. So I searched for Dan. Found him and told him what was happening. And wanted to know if he knew anyway to reverse the drug. Dream ended.

It has been three days since that dream and I cannot seem to shake the fear that I felt in the dream. When I go to bed, I am afraid to fall asleep. I'm sure it will pass. But has anyone ever felt a dream hang on so long?

Anyone have re-occurring dreams?


Melmak said...

I don't dream anymore, but I used to have a recuring dream. I used to have a dream about a man all dressed in black barging through my bedroom door and shooting me. I had this dream for many years. That one went away after we moved away from Crocker lane. Since then it is very rare that I remember my dreams.

Natalie said...

Hi Leslie! Welcome to blogging! So, your dream. Sounds kind of creepy to me. Maybe you secretly want to be a dog. Or, maybe your dog will get sick. Who knows? Why do I dream I'm going somewhere in my underwear, or my teeth crumble out of my mouth? That's the fun of dreams.

Unknown said...

Okay, so this is what Dr. A has to say about your dream: I think you hate being in CA so bad and want to come home, but are so afraid of being away from Dan; you cannot stand for one minute to be away from him. And the thought of having to choose between him and your babies is "killing" you. That'll be $100.00 (for this session)

My recuring dreams:
1) Being in high school and being late to class, not having my homework done, and forgetting my locker combination or location
2) Losing teeth for no reason. They either just pop right out, or are loose (like a kid's) and I pull them out.
3) Watching a passenger plane crash, and knowing there is nothing I can do to save the people on board.
4) Climbing over the top part of a bridge.
5) Being in or running from a tsunami. But only started having that one after the big tsunami in India.

Yeah, I know I'm weird, but these are the recuring dreams I have. Maybe you can tell me what they mean?

Daniel and Leslie said...

Funny. Did you notice that two people, who don't even know each other, posted the same re-occurring dream? There has to be a connection. It is just fascinating to me. :D

Unknown said...

Yeah, that is funny. I know my friend Audrey and I have the same dream about High School; being late, forgetting locker combo, etc. I wonder what these all mean? Would be fun to research on-line about common recurring dreams.

Amy said...

Hey - you have another friend named Amy! Hm, maybe I'll need to elaborate on my profile name....Anyway, I'm the world's most boring dreamer. I don't even tell myself what my dreams were because I'd just bore myself. I think dreaming about teeth crumbling from my head would be pretty entertaining. Scary and gross. But entertaining.

Arin said...

Hmmm..everyone has kind of interesting dreams...mine are totally boring in a matter of fact I can't even think of one at the moment!