Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What remodel?

We worked so hard to get the walls and floors done before book club last month. There were nights we stayed up until 2am just to make sure we could make the deadline. I was kicking myself for giving us the deadline and working us so hard. Now that I think about it.......I NEED A DEADLINE! We haven't touched it since. There are a lot of finishing touches that need to be made. Dan will probably kill me.....but maybe I should plan a get together. ;) I know that we would work harder if we were trying to get it done in time. Funny how that happens. Time sure does fly and sometimes it seems to stand still. One thing is for sure.....the remodel is at a stand still. I need a kick start.


Amy said...

No problem! I for one would be willing to make the tremendous sacrifice to come over to your house and gorge on scones and chocolate butter if it would help you with your remodel. Wow, what great friend I am.

Daniel and Leslie said...

Thank you Amy! I really appreciate your support on this. You will be the first one I call for my party. If it ever happens. :)