Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So, I had my very first experience at waxing the other day. I have always loved my eyebrows. They are one of the few thing that I have never criticized on my body. I was getting my hair done and my stylist asked if she could wax my brows for me. Of course my first reaction was "What is wrong with my eyebrows?". So I didn't want to do it.....but, I said my husband was the one that had to look at me all the time so I left it up to him. WRONG!!! He just wanted to see me suffer. So, of course I got them waxed. I just have to say now, that I will NEVER do that again. She took off half of my skin. I look like I was attacked by a badger. How is this considered beauty? I went to my friend AmyJo's house and she admitted that that had happened to her before. What is funny......people keep on doing it. Why are women so obsessed with beauty? I for one will never try to change anything that I am happy with......Even if someone else says I should.

Blog to you soon!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Attacked by a badger?! Ok, aside from being totally hilarious, it is completely untrue. Unless you just miraculously healed before bookclub!

I'm with you though - the only wax I'm interested in goes on my car. (And honestly, I'm just to lazy for that!)