Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Mine will definitely hold journaling. I've been doing good so far. It is hard to believe I have that much to say. I printed out a journal jar of questions to help me out....just in case I couldn't find anything to talk about. I haven't used them yet. Which totally surprises me.
Other things on the list is that Dan is training for a marathon at the end of May or beginning of June. The 'Fitness People' suggest that he not necessarily diet but to make sure he follows the Food Pyramid. Whatever that is:) So we are trying a whole bunch of different recipes and things that are supposed to be good for you. I guess the people who invented the Food Pyramid didn't have taste buds. But we should be fine. We can improvise.
I am hoping to blog more. I might start using the questions from the journal jar. I just don't lead that interesting of a life. But, I do have some great memories from when I was young and stupid. Maybe not as good as my friend Natalie....but we'll see.
I guess we will see if by midnight we will come up with anymore lame ideas to make us feel like failures by the end of the year. What is funny is that I know I made resolutions last year...I just don't know what they were. Hmm. Now that I have this in writing, I might have to follow through on some:)
Happy New Year!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Four days ago we woke up to a very cold house. It seems that our furnace decided to have sympathy pains for the dishwasher. Of course this one is 25 years old and to order parts for it you have to special order them and they are very expensive. So now we have to replace the furnace. Luckily we have a wood stove and a small supply of wood. Otherwise we might have to dig snow caves to stay warm. Why is it that the heaters always seem to break during the heavy winter storms. And the A/C during 11o degree weather? So now.....thousands of dollars later, it is Christmas time. Boy am I glad I only have one child to spoil. And she appreciates the heat and a machine that cleans dishes for her.
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow
Monday, December 8, 2008
Great Story!
I love all types of Christmas stories. This one really stuck out to me this year. I hope it touches your hearts as well. :)...........
The Least of These
By Richard M. Siddoway
We married in August and settled into a small apartment near the university where both of us went to school. We each had a year until graduation and scrimped and struggled through the autumn quarter. Now Christmas was approaching and we had little money between us to squander on Christmas gifts.
We walked through the department stores of Salt Lake arm in arm with the confidence of better days ahead. My bride paused before a winter coat, caressing it with her eyes and fingers. Together we looked at the price tag—seventy-five dollars. Tuition for a quarter was eighty-five dollars. We both knew the coat was out of the question. Her old coat, seam-split and stained, would have to do for another year.
We agreed to spend no more than five dollars apiece in shopping for each other. While my wife drove the car to do her shopping, I walked the half dozen blocks to the Grand Central drugstore to see how far I could stretch five dollars. After considerable searching, I selected a paperback novel my wife had commented about and a small box of candy. Together they came to $4.75. As I approached the checkout stand, I was met with a long line of shoppers, each trying to pay as quickly as possible and get on with the bustle of the season. No one was smiling.
I waited perhaps a half an hour, and only three people were ahead of me in the line when I became aware that the line had grounded to a halt. The clerk was having an animated discussion with an elderly customer.
“Sir,” barked the clerk, “the price of insulin has gone up. I’m sorry, but we have no control over that. You need four more dollars.”
“But it has been the same price ever since my wife started taking it. I have no more money. She needs the medication.” The man’s neck was turning red and he was obviously uncomfortable with the situation. “I must have the insulin. I must.”
The man standing behind him put a hand on his shoulder and said, “Come on, pop, you’re holding up the line.”
The lady in front of me grew more agitated. The dozen or so people behind me began craning their necks to see what was holding up the line. Suddenly I stepped out of line, reached into my pocket, withdrew my wallet, and handed five dollars to the old man. “Merry Christmas,” I said.
He hesitated a moment, then his blue eyes grew moist as he took the money. “God bless you, my son.”
I turned and walked back into the store aisles. I counted the money I had remaining in my wallet—four dollars. I replaced the box of candy and got back in line to pay for the novel.
Snow was falling in soft white feathery flakes as I walked up the hill toward our apartment. I turned in our driveway and saw an envelope stuck in our screen door. I removed it and found written on the front of the envelope simply, “Matthew 25:40.”
I opened the door, stepped inside, and turned on the light. I ripped open the end of the envelope and withdrew a hundred-dollar bill. There was no other message.
It was only after I had purchased the winter coat for my wife that I took time to get out my Bible and read the scripture written on the envelope: “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
To this day I have no idea who blessed our lives that Christmas.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas season
Blog to you soon......
Monday, December 1, 2008
Winter Holidays
Blog to you soon.....
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Perfect Weekend
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Fall and Falling.....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Looney Toons
So then, I get home and watch them. NO WAY will I let any children watch these in my house without the approval of their parents!!! At the end of one of them.....Bugs and Yosemite Sam were running for office (That voting thing that I don't know much about :) ) and they find out someone else won over them while they were too busy gun fighting each Bugs says at the end "anyone for a game of Russian Roulette?" and they play it just the two of them. Sam doesn't get the bullet....Bugs does.....but Bugs wasn't pointing at his went through his ears and got Sam. The great thing about this is no one got hurt. But I'm afraid that it is showing children that if you play with guns and shoot people no one will get hurt. They are funny to watch as an adult because they are nostalgic. Even though they were ancient when I was a kid watching them in the seventies. But no way are they for children. And the thing is.....they were never made for children in the first place. Warner Bros. doesn't recommend them for children.
Thanks AmyJo.......
Blog to you soon!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
*Everything can get cleaned up even the chocolate cupcake off the grand piano!!
*Changing paint color is fun especially when your husband isn't home!
*People can actually live without cable/regular TV! (I even did it myself for over a year!
*Marrying your best friend sure makes life easier!
*That finding people to help and serve in times of need really is rewarding
*Men can actually change a diaper even when the child isn't thiers!
**Ordering to-go is fun!! Even when your food gets dropped, but especially when it turns to a food fight!
*Random road trips are fun (even though i didn't get to go on one with you!)
*Starting a business is a lot of work, but oh so fun when you are the friend just eating the pizza!
*How to play hand & foot without partners (I need to come visit to relearn!)
*That when you are digging a pool dont ask for help! cause people wont get the angles right!
*That a women deserves to be spoiled and loved!
*Cooking meals together is more fun than by yourself!
*Movie nights with friends rock!
*Treats in clear jars get eaten to fast in my presence!
*That when you tell people your favorite animal the overwhelm you with that item!!
*life is wonderful and we should enjoy every minute of it!
Thanks you guys for everything and i just thought you would like to know the things i learned while i was up there!
And are you going to be home (in Oregon) during the last part of July next summer? Cause we are going to Seattle for a wedding so i want to visit you guys and show the family the sights up there!
Love you Teresa Moon
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Autumn!! :)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Lazy Dogs
Blog to you soon.......
Thursday, September 18, 2008
For the birds
Blog to you soon.......
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Would have been nice to know.....
Blog to you soon......
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Then again.......Maybe NOT!
Blog to you soon....
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The blindspot ends
Blog to you soon....
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Ryder Adelbert Otten
Blog to you soon.....
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My Friends are AWESOME Mom's
Blog to you soon....
Monday, August 4, 2008
Our Newest Family Member - Officially
We figured this would be perfect with the adoption process and all. Of course we seem to be going backwards. Most people adopt young children......we are starting with the oldest and working our way backwards. She will be 18 in November. She and Dan have the same birthday. We are trying to come up with a great birthday party idea for the both of them.
We are very excited to have her here. And she is very excited to be a big sister. We are all looking forward to the changes in our lives over the next few months. From what we could be a very quick process. We'll keep you informed.
Blog to you soon!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Waiting & Waiting & Waiting.....
Blog to you soon!! :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Blog to you soon!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What remodel?
Leaf Hoppers
Friday, June 27, 2008
Oi Veh!
We finished our classes. Now we wait for a caseworker to be assigned to us. Then more classes. And home studies. And FBI/Criminal background checks. Amazing what you have to go through. But, I agree it needs to be done. We had some people in our class, who I'm afraid to say I judged, that scared me. I wouldn't want to place children with them. You know that weird feeling you get. Just a creepy feeling. The one you cannot explain....but you don't want to ignore it either. Hopefully I'm wrong.
The new development is that my cousin is going to come live with us. Her name is Barbara. She is 17 and going to be a senior this year. We figure the older we get the children the less time they are in the home. :) You know.......17 and 3/4.......College scholarships.......and a very high paying job in the future. Those are the kind of children everyone wants right? We are very excited she is coming to stay. We need someone to practice on. Hee Hee. I hope we don't screw up too bad.
Blog to you soon :)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Have I ever mentioned that I love change? I remember that one of my friends said every time they come into my house it is different. I told her that I guarantee that to everyone. we are. Changing again. It's funny....I thought putting a wall in the living room would make it seem smaller. Not so. It actually gives me another wall to put things on and it seems bigger. I don't get that. But its true. Here is the trick. I have bookclub at my house next week. Do you think we can get it done in time? We shall see.......
Blog to you soon!!!
Still going strong
Blog to you soon!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The classes are only on Monday and Tuesday. We are having a hard time waiting the week in between to go to the next one. The teacher says that she usually talks most people out of being Foster parents or Adopting than she talks into it. Most people aren't ready for the challenge. She says she will lose about half of the class (as of now 65) after the Sexual abuse day. She is so honest and to the point. She is telling us the worst of the worst scenarios. Which we think is great. If you are prepared for the worst.....then it should be a piece of cake if it isn't. Right? This so far has been an amazing experience.....and we haven't really even started.
Blog to you soon!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Home again, Home again, Jiggity Jig
We did have some terrible news this week though. Our neighbors behind us decided they didn't like the 20 foot arborvitae in their back yard......They yanked them all out :( I actually cried. It destroyed the look and the privacy of our back yard. I am ready to move now. We are trying to figure out what to do to the backyard to make it more cozy. Suggestions?
This month will be very busy. We start our classes for adoption tonight. So Excited. We have classes every Monday and Tuesday night for the whole month. 3 hours each. We cannot wait until we are done. We are so ready to be a family.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Happy Place
It has been a strange experience. The whole adoption process. Years ago we thought we would adopt a baby. We even filled out ALL the paperwork for the agency. And let me tell is a lot of paperwork. But it just didn't feel like it was time. We hummed, and hawwed. And then withdrew from the process. We couldn't really tell you why. Then a few years later we thought, OK....we need to get this taken care of.......and did it all over again. But again, we withdrew. There was something holding us back. Not that we didn't want just wasn't time. Now, it is kind of funny. We cannot wait until we find them. Almost like something exploded inside us. This process takes too much time. The great thing is. Our children are out there already. They have been born. We don't know where they are, Who they are, or when we will get them. But they are there. Looking at the same stars we are. Waiting for us to come and get them. This was the opportunity we have been waiting for. There is no way that I could care for an infant in my condition. To have to pick it up hundreds of times a day would have been physically impossible. I would have done it anyway.....but would have paid for it too. With this adoption the youngest we can get is 18 months. Already toddling. Not needing to be picked up ALL the time. Ready to play. Ready to communicate. And I have to be ready to tell them that we went to Disneyland without them:)
Blog to you soon :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The best news: We have decided that we are ready to be a family!!! Can you believe it? After 14 years of trying to do it naturally.....we have decided that adoption is the way for us. We are so excited. We start all of the classes and home studies this next month. And who knows, we might have a family by Christmas. Maybe. We are so ready for this next step in life. I know I wouldn't have been ready if it weren't for such great friends. Seeing them be a family and how much they wouldn't trade it for the world. All the love and frustration that comes with it :) We are hoping to find a family group. Maybe 3-4 siblings that need parents. We thought.....if we are going to do it....we might as well do it. All the advice you can give us will be greatly appreciated. I know my bookclub group will be immersed with questions. I know I will be making a list.
Blog to you soon ~
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Dream Vacations
Blog to you soon :)
Happy Earth Day!!
Earth Day is observed on April 22nd every year partly to honor the actor Eddie Albert (of Green Acres fame!) whose birthday falls on that date. Albert was a real life organic farmer as well as an outspoken environmental activist whose work included initiatives to ban the pesticide DDT.
Earth Day eventually led to legislation including the Clean Air Act (1970), the Clean Water Act (1977) and fuel efficiency standards for automobiles.
Earth Day is now celebrated worldwide by over one billion people!
Ok - So you know I didn't write that. But just a tid-bit of information. We are very interested in Earth Day. We base our entire work life off of the ideals of keeping the Earth livable for all animal and plant life. I have been reading a book called 'Silent Spring' by Rachel Carson. It was the book that started the whole Environmental Movement in the 1960's. It is actually a fascinating book. But, I think that only people interested in Environmental work or reducing the use of pesticides would be interested. I may be wrong. It fascinates me to read of the stupidity of man. How could they not think it through that dangerous pesticides wouldn't leach into the ground water and soils and contaminate everything and kill everything in its path? Ok.....a bit over the edge.....but come on people!!
Happy Earth Day Everyone!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Spring Fever
I have to tell you....spring fever is pure horror down here when you rent an apartment. I usually get spring fever right after Christmas. I always start looking at bulbs and hanging baskets right away. We rented an apartment down here that doesn't allow you to have anything on your front porch. (That was well planned out) :( I think it is even harder down here because everything blooms so early. Daffodils are usually blooming end of February in Oregon. We came down here the second week in February and they were already dieing off. Same with the Calla Lilies. They are in full bloom down here already.....almost gone.....and I know the ones in my yard won't bloom until the end of May. I guess the blessing in that is that I get to enjoy a longer spring, since I will be home by June 1st. I guess there is also the fact that if I had planted when I started spring fever in December....they wouldn't have lived through this strange weather that is happening in Oregon. Ok, Ok......I see the up side now. I guess I just needed to see it in writing to really appreciate it. I am getting a good base coat of a tan line for the pool season this year. We are going to go fly a kite at the beach this week, and soak up all the sun we can before we come home. Miss everyone and everything.
Blog to you soon :D
Monday, April 14, 2008
Love Thy Neighbor?
Imagine the most difficult person you could ever come across. Someone who is self absorbed. Has no cares for how others are feeling. Every word that comes out of their mouth is negative and disrespectful towards others and they have really bad language (even thought they know it is offensive to you.) The only time they say something nice is when they are trying to glorify themselves.
Now imagine that you are trying to love your neighbor. You spend time with them, trying to be cheerful. Finding only good things to discuss. Trying to make them laugh and see the goodness that life can give you. But all you end up with is hurt feelings and an eagerness to leave.
How long do you suggest that you should put yourself in this situation? Should it be forever? Should you never give up? Or should you cut your losses and live with the fact that you cannot love everyone?
I would love to get input from everyone. Sometimes we get these struggles that challenge us to the core. Do we choose what is right? Or do we choose what is best for us? And where is that line drawn?
Friday, April 11, 2008
I was at a vet. (I have dogs.....I dream as if I'm a dog too I guess) And the doctor was telling me that I was sick and he didn't know how long I had to live. So while he was putting another dog down, I jumped in and said that I wanted the shot too. I didn't want to suffer this illness that I had. As soon as the Vet gave me the shot, I had this horrible feeling of needing to be with my husband. I knew at that moment that if I died right there that I may be missing a good 50 years of life with him. I felt that whatever the illness was, it might not be so bad to suffer through, as long as I had him. What would he do without me. So at that point, I was doing whatever I could to stay awake. I knew that if I fell asleep I was a gonner. So I searched for Dan. Found him and told him what was happening. And wanted to know if he knew anyway to reverse the drug. Dream ended.
It has been three days since that dream and I cannot seem to shake the fear that I felt in the dream. When I go to bed, I am afraid to fall asleep. I'm sure it will pass. But has anyone ever felt a dream hang on so long?
Anyone have re-occurring dreams?
The Rundown
The Pippert's
We have been together for 14 years now. It was definitely 'Love at first sight'. Well for me anyway. Of course the real thought in my head was "Crap! I have to marry this guy?" But luckily for me he turned out to be a real catch. We met at the 76 station in Monmouth, OR. I was actually on my first date with his roommate and was told to steer clear of Dan because he would try and steal me away. Of course that relationship didn't go very far. We started dating on April 10th, 1994 and he asked me to marry him on April 16th. To my friends and families surprise, we were married on May 28th of the same year. Sure, it was a quick romance. But when you know, you know.
We moved around a lot in the next few years. About every six months we were in a new home. Which of course I didn't mind.....because I love change. Anyone who knows me can testify to that. He was so ambitious and I followed him everywhere. From bike mechanic to Kitchen designer to Yellow Page advertising to Pizza to 401k and Retirement Plans. I'm sure there are quite a few more in between. But I cannot remember them all. We finally bought a house and settled down in 2002. It is hard to believe how long we have been in one house. But, 50 coats of paint later, and absolutely no texture showing on the walls (JK) here we are.
Just this last year my father decided he wanted to retire and start doing what he has always wanted to (Teach). Go figure. You decide to retire to follow your dream.....and that dream happens to be work. So, Dan, on a whim decided we should purchase my father's business (Earth friendly Pest Control) from him. I had been working with him answering phones and doing the schedule and invoicing for 4 years and we thought it wouldn't be that much different to take over. RIGHT!!! We purchased the business on April 1, 2007 and since have been in California (where the business is) for more than 8 months out of the last year. Dan has put so much effort into this would think that he has been doing it for years. But to be honest with you.....we wouldn't be where we are today if he hadn't been so eclectic in his job searches. Every single one of them has helped us learn what we needed to know to successfully run and operate this business. Now our only goal is to get us back home to Oregon.
That is a pretty quick summary. But, I will probably fill in the blanks as we go along. Oh, I forgot to mention our children. Gauper is 8 1/2 years old. Very calm and lovable. Wouldn't do anything to hurt a fly. Basically because he wouldn't want to put the effort into it. Kestra is 8 years old, and definitely showing her age. She has a heart problem. But she is just a sweetheart and follows her mama everywhere she goes. She just wants to be near me. She also has a shoe fettish. When ever she goes missing for a while.....usually we can find her curled up in a closet with all the shoes. And Elphaba is 1 year old. She is a spit fire. Very loving and willing to nibble on your ear if you would let her. And watch your toes too. She loves toes. Most people who where flip flops know this already.
Thanks for listening! :)
Blog to you soon -