I have a new nephew. He was 9 lbs. I was so happy to be able to hold him. If he had weighed one more pound he would have been beyond my weight limit. It was great to see my sister turn into a mom. It is so amazing to me what instincts women have. And when they kick in. She still needed some assistance in her learning process. Some people were overwhelming her with information, and I think that frustrated her. You HAVE to do this, and you HAVE to do that. I found that all of my sentences began with "I have a friend" or "one of my friends....". She thought that was pretty funny how much information that I had attained from all of my friends. Mostly from book club.....Thank you. We spent four days with her, helping her out and letting her rest. It was nice to be able to sit and hold Ryder. I love holding babies when they are sleeping. It is an amazing relaxation technique. Of course I had to give him up, which was sad. But it was a great baby fix. I'm looking forward to more baby time this year with the arrival of my friend's children.
Blog to you soon.....
Congratulations, Leslie! My sister had a baby recently too. I love to rub my cheek across his soft little head!
(BTW, I typed up this super long response to your previous post and then blogger konked out on me and I lost it all...just haven't taken the time to post again!)
Super exciting! Glad you could impart some of your book club wisdom!!!
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