Thursday, July 8, 2010

If you are offended......DON"T READ!!!

I got a comment from one of the foster parents of a specific child that use to live in our home. I guess she was offended that we had written anything about that child. Supposedly it offended the child too. (remember that next time you post about your children)They thought that my comments were not christian like.

Here is the deal. Don't read my blog if you get offended easily by being loved. If I praise you too much....or if I think you are everything to me.

I think that is pretty simple.

Better yet....Just don't read my blog if you don't even know me or have anything to do with me. There would be no other reason for you to have an interest in anything I have to say. It will save you a lot of misunderstandings.


Unknown said...

Good for you Leslie! Maybe she needs a reminder about that whole freedom of speech thing.

Sharlee said...

Seriously, where do people come up with this stuff?? I never thought once while reading your post that anything you were saying was offensive. ACTUALLY TOTALLY THE OPPOSITE. Your words were always so loving, and very Christ like.. The good thing about having a blog set to private is you don't have to worry about comments being left by people like that.:(
You and Dan are amazing people, and it makes me so mad that someone would try and say something other than that. BOOO

I totally agree... If you are offended...DON"T READ.