Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hunter or Playmate???

Elphaba is a very interesting dog. We found her out in the back yard just staring up at the bird feeders.....waiting for birds to come. The funny thing is....she isn't wanting to kill them. She just wants to play.

The other day she caught a gigantic bumble bee. She spit it out and just stared at it. Pouncing every once and a while. She just wanted it to move so she could play with it. Since it didn't move....she got bored. So dad poked it with a stick to get it to moved so much it flew away. All Elphaba could do was sit and watch it disappear :(

I think she needs a playmate. Gauper is just too old to want to play with her....I say that....but, he is really just too lazy. Maybe she would like a kitty......


Unknown said...

My deepest apologies for forgetting Hilary! She was so sweet and genuine, I don't know how I could... :)

Jen said...

I love the picture! I have a cat she can have... :)

Sharlee said...

Lol that is such a great picture. Bring Elphaba over and Winston and Elphaba can play together!!!