Monday, January 4, 2010


This year we didn't even talk about resolutions on New Years Eve. Do people do them anymore? Last year I was pretty pessimistic about them. Labeling them as 'promises we don't intend to keep'. I did pretty good this last year though. I wrote in my journal every day.

I think everyone makes a food or fitness resolution every year. I wonder what the percentage is of people who follow through with that? I can imagine that snack sales in January are at an all time low.

I'm still trying to decide if I want to set myself up for failure. I guess I will. This year I hope to accomplish.....getting a passport. If I do nothing all year long...I hope this is one thing that will get checked on my list.

1 comment:

The Dahlins said...

The thing about goals is that you need a definate time to get them done by. Thats why New Years Resolutions are normaly a flop because no one sets up a plan. So I have a challenge/competition for you if you would like to hear it? ;)