Monday, September 28, 2009

Nothing to do

I was talking to Britanie the other day about inviting friends over. She looked at me and said "the pool is closed down....there is nothing to do". It amazes me that there is no imagination in the world today. Let us not mention the movie library with over 700 titles, or the sideboard loaded with games, the basketball hoop outside....the list goes on and on and on. When I was her age, I invited people over just so I didn't have to be with my parents. I guess I should take that as a compliment then :D


Unknown said...

I had the same experience when Brian's oldest son (then 17) was living with us. I had told Jacob he didn't need to watch TV all day, and Brandon said "What else is there for him to do?" Hmmm, let me make a list...

Amy said...

When I was a kid I used to warn my friend never to say "I'm bored" in front of my dad. The moment anyone would say that he'd give them a pitchfork and put them to work in the barn! We were never bored!