Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Leaf Hoppers

These little leaf hoppers are driving me crazy this year. Do any of you have them? They start to swarm about now. You cannot go outside without them dive bombing you. They are out mostly at night and that is when I water my hanging plants. They have been so heavy this year that I find myself getting up at 6am to water just so I can do it in peace. OI! But I have to admit.....I love being out in the yard that early. Everything is fresh and cool and quiet. Not many like to be up in the early am. It's almost like vacation. :)


Amy said...

Leaf Hoppers? Seriously, I've never heard of them. With that name, I'm pretty sure you are just making this up. Or maybe they just haven't found my neighborhood.

Daniel and Leslie said...

If you don't have these little things at your house.....I'M MOVING IN. Seriously, this is what they are called. They look like little itty bitty grasshoppers. Well a kind of cross between them and some kind of moth. I probably have 15 per window on my house every night. They swarm to light too.