Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15 lbs of Goodness

We have a family recipe that my father created. Granola. I still remember going to bed with the smell of fresh granola cooking....knowing I will get it for breakfast in the morning. Seriously....YUMMY!!!

My brother decided to use the family recipe and make it a business (Lifestyle Granolas) and bring it in to everyone's home. Unfortunately, those people will never go to bed with the smell in their noses. won't be complaining. He has come up with all sorts of new flavors.....including my favorite.....Island Lover. I send out for a bag every once and a while. While I have the family recipe....Craig has all the ingredients for the different flavors and the kitchen to make that big of a batch:)

My tummy will be singing for some time now. It takes a little bit of time to go through 15 lbs of granola.

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