I have discovered s'mores in the microwave. BAD NEWS!!! I'm not that fond of them over the fire....but, in the microwave the marshmallow gets soooooo chewy. I crave that texture (well, probably the chocolate too). And it only takes 10 seconds. You can't beat that. Unfortunately....I used the word 'crave'....that is what I have to be careful of :D
Oh yeah. I am so with you on the love of microwave s'mores. Somethign about watching that marshmallow puff up just makes my hear sing!
Love MW s'mores. When I was a kid, I'd blow up a marshmellow on a graham as big as I could get it without exploding, then smoosh it with another graham (no chocolate). When it cools, the consistency is like the marshmellows in Lucky Charms. As an adult, I like them a little softer, and with chocolate, of course!
YOU KNOW WHATS EVEN BETTER!?!?! You know those Keebler fudge striped cookies? Take one cookie upside down on a plate and then the marshmellow. Microwave, then place the other cookie on top. OMGOSH so yummy. Way better then the grahm cracker:) Try it!
I love the fudge cookies too!! but how do you keep the cookies or grahams from going soft in the microwave that always bothered me about mw ones. I am excited we now have a grill so we will be using that this summer!
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