I've read more than 25 books in the last three months. I'm starting to dream in book form. It's pretty funny. Like someone is narrating my dream for me......
"Did you see the person who fell?" he asks quietly once we're on our way.
"I couldn't see anything."
"You don't think..." Gil shifts forward in his seat.
"Think what?"
It is pretty cool. Even if it is all gibberish.
Hilarious. One piece of advice though: stay off Facebook. I now find myself thinking in phrases appropriate for updating my FB status. [Writing a response to Leslie's blog post...]
Have you read anything incredible?
so i am a freak with books too so we need to swap titles!!!!
Pretty awesome for a girl that didn't used to read at all!! Let me know if you read anything interesting! Do you have a goodreads.com account?
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