I learned something new this weekend. All they have to do in the ER is to make sure your injuries are not life threatening. OK....I can live with that. It sounds reasonable right?
On Saturday I went to IKEA. It was a wonderful day. I borrowed a wheelchair and moseyed my way through at a very slow pace. It felt so good to get out of the house....and to be shopping in my most favorite store. I bought new furniture for our home to help support a teenage daughter. It was a fantastic day. My mom and my sister came up with the big truck to help us haul everything home. We left the house at 9am and did not return until 5:45pm. I was waving goodbye to my family and shut the door.......instantly, I collapsed in pain.
I did not have any pain all day long and it hit me all at one moment. I could not stand up. I could not walk. I could not talk. I could not breath. All I could do is scream. Dan got me to my bed and I tried to relax to see if the pain would go away if I would just calm down. NOPE. We ran down all of the things that could possibly help. Nothing. Even thinking about the ER was not on my list because I didn't want to sit in the waiting room for 5 hours before they could even see me. Then.......I knew I had to go. Something was really wrong. Something that I had never felt before. I had to go to the hospital.
It was amazing to me that Dan even knew what I was talking about because I don't think I stoped screaming for hours. I couldn't do anything else. That is all my body would allow. We drove up and the nurse wouldn't even let me see the waiting room. They took me instantly into a room. Of course they left my husband out in the front. They started asking me questions. Let us not forget that I could not talk. They just kept asking questions. All I could say was.....husband......husband.....husband. Finally the nurse sent someone out to get Dan. I don't remember too much of all that they talked about. I just kept screaming. He gave them the long list of my allergies. The nurse trying to get my IV going missed my veins five or six times. I must have made her nervous. I felt bad for her.....she thought she was the reason I was in so much pain.
When the Dr came in he asked Dan what he thought he could do. What kind of meds can I give your wife? (I must have missed the part where my husband was the Dr) I started to get nervous at this point. I just wanted them to give me something to ease the pain. Anything....I don't care. They finally started pumping me with morphine. No relief. OK....more morphine. No Relief. Ok....more morphine.....Nothing. They were stummped.
After many hours (seven I believe) of testing and ultrasounds. They found out it wasn't life threatening and started to give me papers to release me. OH.....did I mention that I haven't stoped screaming yet? I was still in serious pain. Still couldn't walk, stand or talk. They said I might have a cyst or two on my ovaries and I have a pelvic infection.....oh....and get this .....a UTI. HHMMMMmmm. Isn't that what all of the doctors this year have been saying I don't have?
With the release the docotor prescribed me a lot more morphine to use only when needed. (Tell me doctor...when I scream like this...is that when I know it is needed?) And to make an appointment with my OB/GYN within the next day or so. My OB/GYN is on vacation until the second week of May.....no subs. So OHSU was the next step.....I have an appointment for May 7......they would get me in sooner....but the ER said it was not life threatening.
I am drugged beyond all belief.....and I still have horrible pain. But....what ever it is....it is not life threatening. That should be comforting right? I left the ER screaming in pain. I feel sorry for the people who saw me leave.....it must not have been very comforting for them.....knowing that they might not feel relief when they leave.