WARNING: This might get graphic!!
What do you do when your whole body cries out in pain and you know that a trip to the ER will only bring you hours of sitting in an uncomfortable waiting room just so they can tell you......"There is nothing we can do"?
I have been 'down' for 3 months with multiple medical conditions.
Since January I have had what feels like a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).....but there are no tests that have been done that will verify that. Even though the doctors can tell that I have a very high white blood cell count. Which means my body is trying to fight off something. I have not been able to sit upright for 3 months due to this pain.
I also have very sharp abdominal pains that make it difficult to breath deeply. After 3 ultrasounds, they have not been able to figure out what is wrong. Everything looks normal.
My whole body tremors like I am 99 years old. I have a difficult time writing or doing anything with my hands due to these tremors.
I am constipated and I feel like there is a 'Tortilla Chip' stuck in my bowels. Not to mention the blood in the stool.
I cannot stand up to do anything without breaking out in a cold sweat and getting light headed.
NOT TO WORRY THOUGH......the doctors are on the ball and rushing to try to figure this out.....RIGHT!!! I have a colonoscopy that is scheduled for the end of April. I have an appointment with the Urologist at the end of May. And because my doctors have given up trying to figure out what is wrong.....they have referred me to OHSU and they will be able to get me in immediately at the begining of July.
I am already on pain medication due to my backpain. So there is no medications or relief that anyone can give me. All I can do is wait until my appointments and hope that they have some kind of a clue as to what might be happening. But until then......all I can do is nothing.........
wow!! I am soooooooo sorry get your heart tested so you can have a hole like me!! :)
Oh, Leslie, I'm so sorry to hear about all that. It must be absolutely overwhelming sometimes. I really hope that you can get some sort of answer since I'd imagine that something...anything...would be better than this horrid limbo-land. I hope they figure it out soon.
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