Thursday, July 24, 2008

Waiting & Waiting & Waiting.....

This waiting process for our family is killing us!!! We were talking to some friends that have done this process....and they said Christmas Day they didn't have any leads.....but by February 2nd the children were in their home. It could happen that quick! We finally went and bought bunk beds. We are so excited to get them set up and in the rooms. We also have been dreaming about mini vans. How sad is that? I never thought that they would be on our dream list. But here we are....

Blog to you soon!! :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So, I had my very first experience at waxing the other day. I have always loved my eyebrows. They are one of the few thing that I have never criticized on my body. I was getting my hair done and my stylist asked if she could wax my brows for me. Of course my first reaction was "What is wrong with my eyebrows?". So I didn't want to do it.....but, I said my husband was the one that had to look at me all the time so I left it up to him. WRONG!!! He just wanted to see me suffer. So, of course I got them waxed. I just have to say now, that I will NEVER do that again. She took off half of my skin. I look like I was attacked by a badger. How is this considered beauty? I went to my friend AmyJo's house and she admitted that that had happened to her before. What is funny......people keep on doing it. Why are women so obsessed with beauty? I for one will never try to change anything that I am happy with......Even if someone else says I should.

Blog to you soon!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What remodel?

We worked so hard to get the walls and floors done before book club last month. There were nights we stayed up until 2am just to make sure we could make the deadline. I was kicking myself for giving us the deadline and working us so hard. Now that I think about it.......I NEED A DEADLINE! We haven't touched it since. There are a lot of finishing touches that need to be made. Dan will probably kill me.....but maybe I should plan a get together. ;) I know that we would work harder if we were trying to get it done in time. Funny how that happens. Time sure does fly and sometimes it seems to stand still. One thing is for sure.....the remodel is at a stand still. I need a kick start.

Leaf Hoppers

These little leaf hoppers are driving me crazy this year. Do any of you have them? They start to swarm about now. You cannot go outside without them dive bombing you. They are out mostly at night and that is when I water my hanging plants. They have been so heavy this year that I find myself getting up at 6am to water just so I can do it in peace. OI! But I have to admit.....I love being out in the yard that early. Everything is fresh and cool and quiet. Not many like to be up in the early am. It's almost like vacation. :)