Monday, April 14, 2008

Love Thy Neighbor?


Imagine the most difficult person you could ever come across. Someone who is self absorbed. Has no cares for how others are feeling. Every word that comes out of their mouth is negative and disrespectful towards others and they have really bad language (even thought they know it is offensive to you.) The only time they say something nice is when they are trying to glorify themselves.

Now imagine that you are trying to love your neighbor. You spend time with them, trying to be cheerful. Finding only good things to discuss. Trying to make them laugh and see the goodness that life can give you. But all you end up with is hurt feelings and an eagerness to leave.

How long do you suggest that you should put yourself in this situation? Should it be forever? Should you never give up? Or should you cut your losses and live with the fact that you cannot love everyone?

I would love to get input from everyone. Sometimes we get these struggles that challenge us to the core. Do we choose what is right? Or do we choose what is best for us? And where is that line drawn?


Amy said...

Interesting question, Leslie. I think you can love people without neccessarily spending time with them! You can be nice to them when you see them, and wish them well but not hang out with them often. For me, I personally avoid people like that. It doesn't mean that you aren't kind and helpful to them, but I'd just limit my exposure. It isn't doing you any good to be with them, and if all they do when you are together is grumble then it apparently isn't very good for them either. KWIM?

Jen said...

Ditto what Amy said. Love them from a distance!

Arin said...

I agree...with the previous comments...but I would go even a step further and say that such people can actually be toxic and that sometimes you have to look after yourself and choose to remove toxic entities from your life. Doesn't mean you hate the person or don't love them...just means you are protecting yourself. There's my 2 cents!!! LOL!