We are always trying to figure out what our dream vacation destination is. Do we dream of sandy beaches? A cabin in the snow? A cruise? A road trip? There are so many to choose from. And it seems that we can never come up with one. We realized that the first 7 or more years that we were married, we always used our vacations to visit family in distant lands. So I think we never truly understood what a vacation was. We do have a dream vacation for when we retire. And I recommend it for everyone. There is a cruise. It is like 220 days on the ship. And supposedly hits every major port in the world. I think it is only $50,000 a person. But I'm not completely sure. So start saving. We can all go together. :D We are looking at 2018 for the cruise. YEAH RIGHT! We'll see. I would love to know what everyone's dream vacation is. I am trying to find out what suits our fancy. All the ideas we can get.......will be helpful. My dream growing up was to do the whole convertible road trip across the US. But now that I'm older.....the thought of sitting in a car for hours at a time is not appealing. PLEASE HELP!!!
Blog to you soon :)
Travel - my favorite topic! I have tons of opinions on great trips. For me the best trips are the ones where you actually get out and explore, challenge yourself, get uncomfortable (whether by physical difficulties, or mental/emotional challenges.) We went to Tahiti a few years ago and that was a really eye-opening trip for me. Specatularly beautiful and even some really great diving. But still it was a fairly empty experience. Sitting on a beach, eating in nice restaurants even looking at lovely views. But still it didn't capture my heart or challenge me in ways that so many other trips have done. I put cruises in that category too. We did one with friends of ours and that was fun because we enjoyed the company of our friends, but the memories of the ports and all-you-can-eat-chocolate-buffet weren't nearly as satisfying as climbing to Macchu Pichu, or exploring Angkor Wat, or even just exploring the chaotic streets of Bangkok. I'm a big fan of taking "dream vacations" regularly!
My true dream vacation is similar to yours, an around-the-world cruise. Bill and I are saving to take one when we retire. The tickets I have looked at cost around $70,000 to $100,000. My job is to save for my ticket. Bill's job is to save for retirement and his ticket! (I have the better end of the deal. In the meantime, I'm ready for anything. I love the relaxing trips, but I also love challenging myself like Amy said. I just love to travel!
Okay...so in my mind there are two different kinds of trips. Vacations...and then hmmm what do you call it...explorations maybe? They serve two totally different purposes. A vacation is truly to just relax, rejuvenate, get a good tan. An exploration is to do like Amy said and go out...learn something do something exhilarating that you never thought you would.
I would say that both are equally fun and important...just depends on your needs at the time...ya know what I mean?
That being said...I think my dream vacation right now would be going to the countryside in Italy and finding a little place to call my own for a while. I would love to become a "local" during my visit and learn all the shops and good places to eat...etc... I think I've said this before I love to travel...but I hate feeling like a tourist!
PS...we're in for the 2018 cruise...LOL!
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