Dan and I are both Star Trek fans. But I never thought I would be come one of the characters. In April Dan stumbled across a new procedure for chronic back pain sufferers. I will forever be grateful for his internet escapades :D It is called a spinal chord stimulator.
This is how it works.......The little round (pocket watch size) doohicky is inside my left hip. The two leads (wires) are threaded up the epidural space in my back. The leads send a busy signal to my brain so my brain is confused and does not register the chronic pain. The only thing I feel is a vibration.....kind of like the tingling you get in your legs just before they fall asleep. I have a remote (far left of picture) that helps me turn the stimulation up or down.....or off if I want to. The watch size implant in my hip needs to be charged every so often so the middle gadget is my battery charger. I have to wear it on my hip (by way of a velcro belt) for about an hour or so a week.
Here is the kicker............I am pain free :D
Pause for effect........
Seriously.........PAIN FREE!!!
I had the surgery 3 weeks ago. My incisions are still healing.....and my body is screaming at me in so many different languages because of all the muscles I am using that I have not used in 11 years. But......I am human again. With borg implants.
I have 6 to 8 weeks of no bending, lifting or twisting. Believe it or not, this is the MOST DIFFICULT part of the entire process. This is how I explain it. Imagine that 11 years ago your significant other was taken away from you. Your love grew exponentially during that 11 years. Then imagine that all of a sudden that someone has been returned to you. BUT, you are not allowed to talk or touch that someone for 6 to 8 weeks. Tough eh? YES!!!
I feel no pain. I want to get up and run and climb and jump because I feel fabulous. But, I'm not allowed to. IT SUCKS.
When that day comes.......I'm saying August 1st.......the world better watch out. Because I am going to live again :D

Here is the kicker............I am pain free :D
Pause for effect........
Seriously.........PAIN FREE!!!
I had the surgery 3 weeks ago. My incisions are still healing.....and my body is screaming at me in so many different languages because of all the muscles I am using that I have not used in 11 years. But......I am human again. With borg implants.
I have 6 to 8 weeks of no bending, lifting or twisting. Believe it or not, this is the MOST DIFFICULT part of the entire process. This is how I explain it. Imagine that 11 years ago your significant other was taken away from you. Your love grew exponentially during that 11 years. Then imagine that all of a sudden that someone has been returned to you. BUT, you are not allowed to talk or touch that someone for 6 to 8 weeks. Tough eh? YES!!!
I feel no pain. I want to get up and run and climb and jump because I feel fabulous. But, I'm not allowed to. IT SUCKS.
When that day comes.......I'm saying August 1st.......the world better watch out. Because I am going to live again :D