Monday, July 26, 2010

Dad's Relay

I love that my dad is so athletic. We have been able to go to a few of his races and we love it. This race brought him within a mile of our home.

The relay was from Gresham to Eugene. They separate the running times to be about 5-7 miles each. And some of them run two or three legs. One of his legs turned out to be at 2am. He said he loved it because it was so beautiful and quiet and peaceful. There was even an eclipse of the moon that he got to enjoy during his run.

I am so proud of my dad. He always strives to be better than he is. Better educated, more fit and healthy. He has taught me so much over the years about how to better take care of myself. He doesn't seem to let anything get him down. Retiring to him was to stop doing what he was doing for 30 years and do what he has always wanted to do.....Teach science. He is always on the move. I hope that I can be just like him some day. :D

(Just a side note: The guy he is passing off to....His name is Ernie...My dad's name is Burt. I thought that was pretty funny :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

The King and I

We have a wonderful friend who is a professional performer. She invites us to all her shows. This one she played "I" (Anna). I love watching these productions. I cannot believe how much talent we have locally. We always have a blast. Especially because we go out to ice cream after the show with her and her husband. But really....that is not the highlight (completely). :D I cannot wait for the next one!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Part Time Single Mom

With all of the advertising and promo things Dan has been getting for bio-pest....they always send him fun stuff in the mail.

The other day....he got a boomerang. It was pretty cool. It said "come back to us, we miss your business". I thought it was pretty clever. Until I found it in one of my plants in the living room. Apparently, Dan was trying to figure out which room was big enough to throw it so it would come back. He was giggling like a little boy.

I love my husband. He reverts back to a little boy at times. I think it is the most adorable and funny thing to watch. I could say at times like that that I am happy to be a single mom. Because he makes me smile often :D

Thursday, July 8, 2010

If you are offended......DON"T READ!!!

I got a comment from one of the foster parents of a specific child that use to live in our home. I guess she was offended that we had written anything about that child. Supposedly it offended the child too. (remember that next time you post about your children)They thought that my comments were not christian like.

Here is the deal. Don't read my blog if you get offended easily by being loved. If I praise you too much....or if I think you are everything to me.

I think that is pretty simple.

Better yet....Just don't read my blog if you don't even know me or have anything to do with me. There would be no other reason for you to have an interest in anything I have to say. It will save you a lot of misunderstandings.