Saturday, October 31, 2009

Late night dreams

I've been doing a lot of reading again lately. Mostly really late at night. This isn't working so well...I like the books....I forget to sleep. I received many books for my birthday this year. I don't know which one to start. I guess sleep is just over rated. My dreams are funnier though when I do get to sleep...they are about real life. Not book stories like you would think...but just average talking with Dan or Britanie in the kitchen or bedroom. Sometimes I wake up and think they were real. And of course they have no idea what I'm talking about when I try to revive the conversation. Funny...I guess I'm getting too much fiction that my dreams are taking care of reality for me. :D

Thursday, October 15, 2009


When you go to your favorite they ever serve you free breakfast? Mine did!! It was Awesome :D You need all the energy you can get to get through IKEA.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Questions for my "not so perfect" friends

I am finding that it is difficult to send my daughter out into the world because of all the bad choices I made as a teenager.

I see a spitting image of myself in her. This is not a bad person....but a person that is not as informed as I am as an adult. She has been through a tough time and knows a heck of a lot more than most kids her age. Ok...this sounds so stupid. I know she sees me as the parent that thinks I know everything but don't. That she knows way more than me and that I could never know what she is going through or thinking. So much a teenager.

That is where I'm stumped. I know that you must stand back and hope they make the right choices. What if you don't think that they will? I know some youth that are clueless and don't know which way is up. Is it the right thing to NOT tell her what my experiences were? Or might it be a way to get her to open up? Or would it give her leverage....'you broke the rules, why can't I'?

I don't mean to turn this into a help me be a parent blog. I look back and realize that that is what I have kind of been doing. Really, I'm just posting my thoughts and hoping that I'm doing the right thing. I know all moms do this. I just do it in public. I love this girl so much that I want the best for her. And I want to protect her with every means possible. But, I don't want to smother her either. Smothering kind of sounds good to me right now.....

Friday, October 9, 2009

Christmas already???

I'm so excited. My favorite vocal artist (Hilary Weeks) is releasing a new Christmas album on Tuesday. I cannot believe that I will be listening to Christmas music before Halloween. That is a big NO NO in my book. But how can I resist? Shame on her for releasing it before Thanksgiving!!! :D

20 / 70 eyesight

We decided to take Britanie to the eye doctor because she always has to sit in the front row to see the chalk board in school. And as most of you is NOT 'cool' to sit in the front row. The doctor checks out her eyes and says she has 20 / 70 eyesight. You would think with this number....the eye doctor would have sent Britanie home with a prescription. NOPE!!! He said he had nothing that would help her see better. Is there something wrong with this scenario? We are definitely going for a second opinion.

Writers block

For the last week I have tried to post a blog and I just cannot come up with something. I even pull up the 'new post' page and just stare at the blank screen. How can life be this uneventful??? I have a 14 year old daughter!!! I must just have a bad memory :D