Thursday, October 16, 2008

Looney Toons

When I was growing up these were my favorite part of Saturday mornings. I decided we should add them to our library. I have a friend (AmyJo) that thinks they are a very violent cartoon and cannot believe that I would let my children watch them. I just shrugged it off and got them anyway. How bad could they be....I grew up with these. My vocabulary grew with them. I could repeat them word for word while watching them.


So then, I get home and watch them. NO WAY will I let any children watch these in my house without the approval of their parents!!! At the end of one of them.....Bugs and Yosemite Sam were running for office (That voting thing that I don't know much about :) ) and they find out someone else won over them while they were too busy gun fighting each Bugs says at the end "anyone for a game of Russian Roulette?" and they play it just the two of them. Sam doesn't get the bullet....Bugs does.....but Bugs wasn't pointing at his went through his ears and got Sam. The great thing about this is no one got hurt. But I'm afraid that it is showing children that if you play with guns and shoot people no one will get hurt. They are funny to watch as an adult because they are nostalgic. Even though they were ancient when I was a kid watching them in the seventies. But no way are they for children. And the thing is.....they were never made for children in the first place. Warner Bros. doesn't recommend them for children.

Thanks AmyJo.......

Blog to you soon!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So while I lived in Oregon you crazy Pipperts taught me a lot of things and i thought you might want to know what all i learn from you two!
*Everything can get cleaned up even the chocolate cupcake off the grand piano!!
*Changing paint color is fun especially when your husband isn't home!
*People can actually live without cable/regular TV! (I even did it myself for over a year!
*Marrying your best friend sure makes life easier!
*That finding people to help and serve in times of need really is rewarding
*Men can actually change a diaper even when the child isn't thiers!
**Ordering to-go is fun!! Even when your food gets dropped, but especially when it turns to a food fight!
*Random road trips are fun (even though i didn't get to go on one with you!)
*Starting a business is a lot of work, but oh so fun when you are the friend just eating the pizza!
*How to play hand & foot without partners (I need to come visit to relearn!)
*That when you are digging a pool dont ask for help! cause people wont get the angles right!
*That a women deserves to be spoiled and loved!
*Cooking meals together is more fun than by yourself!
*Movie nights with friends rock!
*Treats in clear jars get eaten to fast in my presence!
*That when you tell people your favorite animal the overwhelm you with that item!!
*life is wonderful and we should enjoy every minute of it!

Thanks you guys for everything and i just thought you would like to know the things i learned while i was up there!
And are you going to be home (in Oregon) during the last part of July next summer? Cause we are going to Seattle for a wedding so i want to visit you guys and show the family the sights up there!
Love you Teresa Moon